Myristica lancifolia subsp. lancifolia

Primary tabs

Myristica lancifolia subsp. lancifolia


Tree 15 m. Leaves variable in shape, elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, lateral nerves 8-14 per side, comparatively rather far apart, sometimes very faint below. Fruits (short-)ellipsoid, small, 1.3-1.6(-2) by 0.9-1.1 cm, indumentum persistent;


Asia-Tropical, Bird's Head present, E to Madang Prov present, NE Moluccas present, NW Papua Barat present, Obi present, Papua New Guinea present, Waigeo present
MalesiaNE Moluccas (Obi), NW Papua Barat (Waigeo, Bird's Head); Papua New Guinea (E to Madang Prov.).


Myristica lancifolia var. lancifolia, as accepted by Sinclair, I.e., has a wider concept than the present subsp. lancifolia. Most of the material cited by Sinclair for New Guinea (including the Aru Islands), has now been transferred to other taxa.


Jessup & W J. de Wilde 1993 – In: Blumea. p 39
J. Sinclair 1968: p. 456. – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. f. 79
F. Muell. 1877 – In: Descr. Notes Papuan pl. p 96
Warb. 1897: Mon. Myrist: 519. t. 19
W. J. de Wilde 1990 – In: Blumea. p 246