Lithocarpus orbicularis

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus orbicularis


Shrub 1-3 m. Branchlets initially sparsely tomentose by fulvous, adpressed stellate hairs, later glabrous, blackish brown; Leaves thick-coriaceous, rigid, (2-)3-3½ (-4½) by (2-)2½(-3) cm (index 1-1½), broadest about the middle; Stipules linear, c. 2 by ½ mm. Fruit (not yet ripe) depressed-ovoid, 1 cm long, 1⅔ cm ø, glabrous, dark chocolate-brown;


Asia-Tropical, Atjeh present, Gajo Lands present, N. Sumatra present, on top of Goh Lembuh present
Malesia: N. Sumatra (once collected on top of Goh Lembuh, Gajo Lands, Atjeh: VAN STEENIS 8977).


Vegetatively distinct, recognizable by its thick-coriaceous, rigid, orbicular leaf with areolate reticulation and rounded-emarginate top.
Inflorescences and ripe fruits are unknown.