Leea heterodoxa
Treelets up to 3 m, stem and petiole base often ribbed and fluted.
Leaves clustered at the stem apex, 1- to 3-pinnate.
Inflorescences to 5 cm long, condensed, glabrous or pubescent;
Flowers 5-merous, white.
Ovary 6-celled, style 3 mm.
Fruit c. 25 mm ø, orange-brown;
Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Jaya-pura present, Madang present, Vogelkop present, West & East Sepik present
Malesia: New Guinea (Vogelkop, Jaya-pura, West & East Sepik and Madang Districts). .
From the description and key of LAUTERBACH I cannot see sufficient characters to separate L. heterodoxa from L. tuberculata, an opinion inferred by LAUTERBACH himself (). No extant type material of L. heterodoxa has been traced. Both taxa were only known from single collections at the time of LAUTERBACH.