Strombosia ceylanica

Primary tabs

Strombosia ceylanica


Shrub or generally tree, 10-20 (-36) m; Branchlets smooth, glabrous. Leaves elliptic to ovate-oblong, sometimes ovate or suborbicular, apex shortly acuminate, tip acute or bluntish, rarely obtuse-rounded, base cuneate to obtuse or rounded, slightly inequilateral, firmly membranaceous when young, usually subcoriaceous, rarely coriaceous in later stages, glabrous, somewhat shining above when fresh, drying usually dull, greenish brown or glaucous-green, conspicuously parchment-like (shagreened) from close wrinkled surface and minutely pustular, ± distinctly and densely pel-lucid-punctulate, considerably varying in size even in the same specimen, 8-15 (-25) by 3-7 (-8.5, -11) cm; Flowers from small woody warts, (1—) 3—6 (—15) per fascicle; Petals 5, oblong or elongately so, greenish white, glabrous outside, hairy except the base inside, tips finally recurved about halfway. Ovary semi-inferior in a conical faintly 5-lobed disk; Seed 1, c. 1.2 cm.


Anambas Is present, Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Ceylon present, SW. India present, West & Central Java present, Western Ghats from Kanara southwards present
Ceylon and SW. India (Western Ghats from Kanara southwards); in Malesia: Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Anambas Is., West & Central Java, Borneo. .


Wood yellowish brown, hard, heavy, quite durable, used for constructions.


Strombosia ceylanica is conceived here in a broad sense including S. latifolia, a variant with coriaceous leaves and up to 12 pairs of nerves, which in flower and fruit characters hardly differs from S. ceylanica s. str.


BACK. 1911: Schoolfl. Java. p 223
K. & V. 1900 – In: Bijdr. Booms. Java. p 284
HOCHR. 1905 – In: Bull. Inst. Bot. Btzg. p 43
WYATT-SMITH& KOCHUM. 1965 – In: Mal. For. Rec. p 352
K. & V. 1900 – In: Bijdr. Booms. Java. p 284
Ridl. 1900 – In: J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. p 60
DALZ. & GIBS. 1861: Bombay Fl. p 223
VALET. 1886: Crit. Overz. Olacin. p 93
K. & V. 1913 – In: Atlas Booms. Java. t. 125
Merr. 1921: En. Born. p 242
VALET. 1886: Crit. Overz. Olacin. p 87
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Corner 1978: Gard. Bull. Sing. p 207
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Koord. 1912 – In: Exk. Fl. Java. p 172
FOXW. 1927: p. 123. – In: Mal. For. Rec. fig.
HENDERS. 1928 – In: Gard. Bull. S. S. p 239
SLEUM. 1980 – In: Blumea. p 165
DESCH 1954: p. 423. – In: Mal. For. Rec. pl. 87, f. 2
MAST. 1875 – In: Fl. Br. India. p 579
K. & V. 1900 – In: Bijdr. Booms. Java. p 286
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GARDN. 1910: Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. p 854
King 1922 – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. p 425
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WHITMORE 1973 – In: Tree Fl. Malaya. p 306
WHITMORE 1973 – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. p 285