Harpullia peekeliana
Tree, c. 12 m high.
Vegetative parts glabrous, inflorescences olive-brown tomentellous.
Leaves 2-4-jugate, 42-50 cm long;
Inflorescences rami- and cau-liflorous, 2-10 cm long, paniculate;
Sepals broad-elliptic, 7-8 by c. 5 mm.
Petals c. 12 by 3.5 mm, narrowed at base, not auriculate, fleshy, glabrous.
Stamens 5, c. 9 mm long, filaments and anthers of about the same length.
Asia-Tropical, Lamekot to Panamangaf present, New Ireland present
Malesia: New Ireland (Lamekot to Panamangaf); only known from the type.
Harpullia peekeliana is only known from Melchior's original description: the type was lost in the Berlin fire and apparently there are no duplicates in other herbaria. There is hardly any doubt that it belongs to the alliance of H. ramiflora, where it seems nearest to H. solomonensis. Comparison is difficult as only male flowers have been described from H. peekeliana, while only fruits and the remains of the female flowers under these are known for H. solomonensis. The two specimens from the Bismarck Archipelago, referred to H. solomonensis, agree fairly well vegetatively with H. peekeliana, but their infructescences are axillary. Moreover, both are from coastal habitats, whereas Peekel collected his material at 200 m altitude. More collections from the Bismarck Archipelago are a prerequisite to establish the position of H, peekeliana and its relationship to H. solomonensis.