Myristica globosa
Tree 5-30 m.
Leaves membranous or thinly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 7—16(—21) by 2-7(-8) cm, base attenuate, apex acute-acuminate (the very tip sometimes rather blunt);
Inflorescences between the leaves and below, of the Knema-type, sessile;
Fruits 1-3(-5) per infructescence, (sub)globose, 1.5-3.2(-4) by 1.5-2.5(-3) cm, with scurfy hairs, (0.1-)0.3 mm;
Asia-Tropical, Jayapura region present, NE Papua Barat present, New Britain present, Papua New Guinea present, Solomon Islands present
Solomon Islands; Malesia: NE Papua Barat (Jayapura region) and the whole of Papua New Guinea (incl. New Britain). Two subspecies.
1 Myristica globosa is a widespread variable species. The two subspecies, both also variable, are arbitrary. Frequently specimens are difficult to place in a subspecies, especially those from the Solomon Islands. A few specimens obviously belonging to M. globosa s.L, but not readily fitting in one of the subspecies, are separately discussed in the notes to the subspecies.
2 Myristica globosa s.l. is closely related to M. muelleri (S Solomon Is., NE Queensland) and M. tristis (NW Papua Barat, including Bird's Head, and the Moluccas). The latter species differs in a brown, not pale greyish lower leaf surface, without papillae, a persistent bracteole, and subglobose fruits with thick pericarp. Although M. muelleri is not known from Papua New Guinea, it may be found there as well, and therefore it appears in the key to the subspecies. It is distinguishable by the male flower buds, cleft 1/4 to slightly over 1/3, broadly ellipsoid fruits with hairs up to 0.8 mm long .