KEY TO THE SPECIES (Based on mature leaves, inflorescences, and fruits)

1Petiole (7-)10-15(-25) mm. Leaves broad ovate-elliptic, rarely narrow lanceolate (but then either glabrous or silvery brown tomentose beneath), (3—)5—10(—13) by (1 ½ -)2-4(-5 ½) cm (and then glabrous or sparsely pubescent beneath) or (5—)10—15(—19) by (2-)3-7(-10) cm. Inflorescence ♂, ♀, or ♂♀, at anthesis lax, 10-100-flowered, 1 ½ -5 cm long. Mature fruit 3-5 by 2-4 mm.
1'Petiole (2-)3-6 (-8) mm. Leaves narrow ovate-lanceolate, (4-)5-6(-11) by (l¼-)2-3(-4) cm, beneath densely tomentose by short, matted, rufous, 1-celled and multicellular glandular hairs (hoary). Inflorescence ♂ or ♂♀, at anthesis condensed and shorter or as long as petiole, 5-15-flowered. Mature fruit subglobose, 2-3 by 2 mm
2Leaves (3—)5—10(—13) by (1 ½ -)2-4(-5½) cm, glabrous or rarely sparsely pubescent beneath, chartaceous to thin-coriaceous; base rounded, rounded-attenuate, truncate, or very rarely subcordate, mostly symmetrical; nerves 2-4(-5) pairs. Inflorescence always with a slender axis. Mature fruit c. 3 by 2 mm, orange or red in colour
2'Leaves (5-) 10—15(—19) by (2-)3-7(-10) cm, densely and variously hairy beneath, thin- to thick-coriaceous; base cordate, subcordate or rounded, mostly asymmetrical; nerves 4-8 pairs. Inflorescence with a stout or slender axis. Mature fruit black, 3-5 by 3-4 mm.
3Leaves beneath (Fig. 16) completely covered with matted glaucous to silvery straight appressed or curly, erect hairs and short, multicellular capitate-glandular hairs (epidermis invisible even under high magnification), very often distinctly discolorous with the upper surface darker in colour and weakly scabrate. ♂ Inflorescence up to 2 ½ cm. Fruit ± globular
3'Leaves beneath (Fig. 16) densely or sparsely (but not completely) set with velvety greyish-brown erect hairs only (epidermis clearly visible between the hairs even under low magnification), mostly concolorous, dark-brown to blackish in dried specimens; upper surface strongly scabrate. 3 Inflorescence up to 5 cm. Fruits ovoid, compressed