
Primary tabs



Shrubs or treelets, monoecious, unarmed. Leaves distichous; stipules free, lateral. Inflorescences bisexual (or unisexual), short-branched cymose to subcapitate, sometimes subinvolucrate. stamens 4 (or 5), inflexed in the bud. ovary free, stigmas 2, equal. fruit free, a dehiscent drupe, whitish, endocarp thinly crustaceous; seed without endosperm, cotyledons thick, flat, unequal to subequal, radicle short.


Asia-Tropical, Madagascar present
The genus comprises two species, one in Malesia and the other one in Madagascar.


These two species are rather similar in their features.

The inflorescences are bisexual with 1 or 2 pistillate flowers or unisexual. The staminate inflorescences contain several to many flowers and are in structure similar to the pistillate ones. The pistillate inflorescences are uniflorous and bear a few bracts.

The structure of the inflorescences of Streblus asper and S. tonkinensis (see p. 42) resemble that of Bleekrodea, but this genus is distinct by the tubular perianth of the pistillate flower and the presence of uncinate hairs.


C.C. Berg 1988 – In: Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. p 359
Leandri 1952 – In: Fl. Madagasc. fam. p 5
Benth. & Hook.f. 1880: p. 358. – In: Gen. Pl. ‘Bleekrodia’
Lour. 1975: p. 6. – In: Phytomorphology. t. 5, 6