Harpullia rhachiptera
Shrub, less than 1 m high, to treelet up to 3 m high.
Leaves 3- or 4-jugate;
Inflorescences axillary, simple or slightly branched, up to 3.5 cm long, few-flowered;
Sepals elliptic or (outer) ovate, 4.5-5.5 by 2.5-3 mm, in fruit semipersistent.
Petals oblanceolate, c. 9 by 2 mm, white, glabrous.
Stamens 5 or 6;
Fruits broad-ellipsoid to subglobular, 14-22 by 18-20 mm, red, base obtuse to truncate, short-stipitate, apex (sub)emarginate;
Seeds black with a yellow to orange arillode.
Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Vogelkop Peninsula present, Western Prov present
Malesia: New Guinea (Vogelkop Peninsula, Western Prov.).