Key to the Daphniphyllum Species

1Anthers lunate, introrse, coherent at apex, subsessile; calyx persistent, at least on staminate flowers; drupes strongly tuberculate, usually distinctly glaucous
1'Anthers usually oblong or elliptic, compressed or oblique, extrorse, completely free, with a usually long filament; calyx usually caducous, at least on drupes or absent; drupes smooth to tuberculate, usually not glaucous
2Calyx 4-6-lobed; drupes from lustrous and smooth to verrucose or tuberculate; leaf blades usually papillate, chartaceous to coriaceous, all veins prominent and reticulate above
2'Calyx absent or rarely 1- or 2-lobed, linear, affixed to the base of stamens; drupes usually tuberculate; blades usually epapillate, membranous to chartaceous, all veins obscure and delicate or impressed above
3Calyx present in both staminate and pistillate flowers
3'Calyx present in pistillate flowers only
4Calyx articulate, caducous and usually longer than the androecium and gynoecium
4'Calyx inarticulate, usually persistent in staminate flowers and shorter than the androecium and gynoecium
5Leaves oblanceolate, oblong, oblong-elliptic to elliptic, usually obtuse, mucronate to rounded at apex and glaucous beneath; mature drupes smooth or lustrous at least in dried specimens; usually growing on upper to subalpine mountain forest or grassland margin
5'Leaves lanceolate (narrowly elliptic), acuminate to acute at apex and green beneath; mature drupes tuberculate to verrucose at least in dried specimens, usually growing on lower to middle mountain rain forest
6Blades narrowly oblong, obovate-oblong, obovate, the apex rounded to mucronate or acute at apex, coriaceous, smooth, glaucous and papillate beneath; veins prominently finely reticulate, usually without elevated lateral veins
6'Blades elliptic to narrowly elliptic, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, usually acute to acuminate or cuspidate at apex
7Leaves elliptic to narrowly elliptic, glaucous, papillate; veins prominent with coarsely elevated reticulation; drupes smooth
7'Leaves narrowly elliptic to lanceolate; veins not with prominently elevated reticulation
8Leaves fleshy, elliptic, base obtuse to cuneate, apex cuspidate to acute to mucronate; drupe stalk 4-10 mm long
8'Leaves narrowly elliptic, base cuneate, apex acuminate; drupe stalk 4-5 mm long
9Blades short, less than 6 cm long; drupes smooth; calyx of staminate flower caducous; veins obscure
9'Blades long, more than 6 cm, shining on both surfaces
10Blades with acute-obtuse base
10'Blades with cuneate base
11Fruiting pedicels usually more than 1 cm long; styles usually caducous; leaves ovate-lanceolate
11'Fruiting pedicels less than 1 cm long; styles persistent; leaves lanceolate
12Drupes tuberculate and leaves papillate or drupes smooth and leaves epapillate
12' Drupes smooth and leaves papillate
13Drupes smooth, 4 mm in diameter; leaves papillate, obtuse at base; styles recurved
13'Drupes rugose, 6-7 mm in diameter; leaves epapillate, acute at base; styles circinnate
14Leaves petiolate, petioles 2-4 cm long; filaments 0.7-0.8 mm long
14'Leaves subsessile, petioles 0.2 mm long; filaments 1.2-2.3 mm long
15Leaves elliptic, both ends acute, 6-6.5 by 2.5-3 cm
15'Leaves oblong-obovate, apex mucronate, cuneate at base, 4-9 by 1-2 cm