Nepenthes pilosa

Primary tabs

Nepenthes pilosa


Terrestrial or epiphytic climber 2-3 m tall. Leaves coriaceous, petiolate; Inflorescence known only from fruiting fragment, partial peduncles 2-flowered. A single male flower with pedicel 10 mm long; Fruit valves c. 30 mm long. Seed fusiform, 13-14 mm long, smooth.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Kalimantan present, Sabah present, Sarawak present)
Borneo: Kalimantan, Sabah, and Sarawak.




1 Nepenthes pilosa is one of the Bornean species of the N. maxima group. It is similar and sometimes confused with N. stenophylla, but has laterally compressed yellowish green pitchers which lack red or white blotching, with a strongly hooked basal lid appendage and uniformly longer, denser indumentum. Nepenthes pilosa is widespread throughout Borneo, but rare and incompletely studied: only six collections are known to us. These vary widely in their pitcher proportions. reports on the ecology of N. pilosa. 2. The pitcher of the type specimen at BO is badly damaged, and the lid has lost the diagnostic apex of the basal crest. For this reason we propose the epitype above. The illustration in the protologue indicates that the pitcher of the type was not entirely representative of N. pilosa in shape, but this seems within the bounds of infraspecific variation.


Jebb & Cheek 1997 – In: Blumea. p 74
Phillipps & A.L. Lamb 1988 – In: Nature Malaysiana. p 25
Clarke 1997: Nepenthes of Borneo: 114. f. 76
Danser 1996: Pitcher Plants of Borneo: 121. f. 65