Alstonia iwahigensis

Primary tabs

Alstonia iwahigensis


Tree 15-45(-70?) m high, 20-80 cm dbh, fluted at base and forming tall buttresses up to 6 m high, spreading at the base up to 2 m away from the trunk. Bark smooth to slightly rough, scaly or both longitudinally and horizontally fissured, greyish, yellowish or dark brown; Branchlets glabrous. Leaves in whorls of 4-7; Inflorescence 2.5-10 mm long, usually forming of two bunches of dense and many clustered flowers; Flowers fragrant. Sepals pale green, connate at the base for 0.3-0.5 mm, erect or slightly spreading, ovate to narrowly ovate, 1.5-2.1 by 0.6-1 mm, obtuse, puberulous or densely pubescent outside, glabrous or minutely pubescent around the apex inside, ciliate. Stamens inserted at 5-5.8 mm from the base; Fruit a pair of follicles, 25-35 cm by c. 1.5(-2) mm, glabrous. Seeds brown, oblong, 5-6 by 1 mm, ends rounded, glabrous on both sides, longest cilia 13-17 mm long.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Philippines (Philippines present), Palawan present
Malesia: Borneo, Philippines (Palawan).


For discussion and species circumstance see


The latex (which is collected from the bark) mixed in honey is used as a tonic.


D.J. Middleton 2004 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 19
Elmer 2001 – In: PROSEA. p 66
Sidiy. 1998 – In: Blumea. p 135