Horsfieldia smithii
Tree 10-20 m.
Leaves membranous, oblong-lanceolate, 10-30 by 4-10 cm, base attenuate, apex acute-acuminate;
Inflorescences with sparse or dense hairs 0.1 mm or less;
Fruits 1-3 per infructescence, ellipsoid, 1.5—2(—3) by 1.4-1.6 cm, glabrous, with scattered small tubercles or lenticels;
Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present), Banda present, Damar Is present, Seram present, Ternate present
Malesia: Moluccas (Seram, Banda, Damar Is.; possibly Ternate).
1 Horsfieldia smithii is closely related to H. palauensis Kaneh. (Pacific Islands), H. ardisiifolia and H. parviflora, with which it shares the largely free thecae curved into the hollowed ± cup- or saucer-shaped androphore; the more or less incurved anthers of H. irya are reminiscent, but here the buds are much smaller and the anthers shorter and free at the apex for only 0.2 mm; in H. moluccana (also with incurved anthers) the male buds are ± pear-shaped and the anthers largely interconnate.
2 Horsfieldia smithii and related species like H. ardisiifolia, H. irya, H. moluccana, and H. parviflora often have (somewhat) ridged or angular twigs, and in sterile or fruiting stages may be confused with species with typically ridged or winged twigs, for instance H. angularis, or a few species confined to West Malesia.