Osmoxylon boerlagei

Primary tabs

Osmoxylon boerlagei


Small to fairly large tree, unbranched or sparingly branched, up to 24 m, glabrous, at least when mature. Large leaves forming terminal crowns; Inflorescence terminal (or overtopped by a lateral leafy branch), a large compound umbel, bowl-shaped with a slightly convex top, up to 60 cm ø; Petals c. 13, bud flat-topped, angled, minutely pubescent, apparently falling as a calyptra. Stamens 8-13. Ovary shortly turbinate, angled, glabrous, 10-14-celled; Fruits spreading to form a ± spherical head obscuring the involucre, each c. 9 by 7 mm (when dry) with prominent persistent stigmas.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present
Malesia: throughout New Guinea.


Bark yellow grey with shallow fissures and many pale corky pustules; wood straw- coloured, fibrous. The large terminal inflorescence is shallowly convex on top and is surrounded by several large leaves. Flowers reddish brown. Fruit purplish black and succulent.


Harms 1900 – In: K. Sch. & Laut., Fl. Schutzgeb. p 484