Brownea grandiceps

Primary tabs

Brownea grandiceps


Tree up to 16 m high; young branchlets densely brown hairy. Leaves 2-14-jugate, the petiole and rachis (of lower ones) 25-45 cm. Stipules conspicuous, very long, 7-16 cm long. Inflorescences during anthesis 14-18 cm in diam., the peduncle and rachis 3-4.5 cm; bracteoles 2.25-3 cm long; pedicels 9-13 mm. Petals 4.5-5.25 cm long, bright red. Stamens c. 6 cm; filaments united at the lower 12-15 mm. Ovary c. 10 mm long, the style 3-4.5 cm.


Asia-Tropical: Jawa (Jawa cultivated); Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia cultivated), Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela)
Native of Venezuela. Cultivated in Malay Peninsula and Java., and possibly elsewhere in Malesia.


Flowering throughout the year, with intervals.


Backer & Bakh. f. 1964 – In: Fl. Java. 531.