Sandoricum caudatum
Small tree to 10 m and bole to 15 cm diam.
Bark smooth, grey-green.
Leaves 20–25 cm long; petiole 5–9 cm, wrinkled in sicco, base swollen and flattened adaxially.
Petals 5, c. 4.5 mm long (immature), c. 2 mm wide, elliptic, apex rounded, creamy white.
Staminal tube glabrous without, villous within, margin with 10 irregular lobes, creamy white; anthers 10, ± in two ranks, alter- nating with lobes, c. 0.75 mm long, oblong, weakly exserted.
Ovary and style glabrous; stigmatic lobes c. 1 mm long.
Seeds c. 16 mm long, 9 mm wide (imma- ture); cotyledons reddish in sicco.