Chisocheton sect. Chisocheton

Primary tabs

Chisocheton sect. Chisocheton


Trees or undergrowth treelets. Leaves pseudogemmulate, rarely imparipinnate (C. lasiogynus) or paripinnate (C. patens, p.p.). Inflorescences axillary, ramiflorous, cauliflorous or epiphyllous, or borne on supra-axillary branches. Staminal tube lobed or not; anthers (3–)5–10(–18), locellate. Ovary 2–8-merous; stylehead capitate. Fruit unarmed. Seeds 3–6, arillate.


from Assam and tropical China throughout Malesia except Australia and New Hebrides present
23 species from Assam and tropical China throughout Malesia except Australia and New Hebrides.


Allied to sect. Clemensia through arillate species of the latter. The species are arranged in two series though these are linked by a small number of species which could be placed in either.