Alstonia angustifolia

Primary tabs

Alstonia angustifolia


Tree 5-35(-46) m high, 8-70 cm dbh, fluted at base, or with small or steep buttresses. Bark smooth, shallowly fissured, or scaly in horizontal and longitudinal fissures, sometimes with large scattered protruding lenticels, grey or brownish; Branchlets glabrous or puberulent. Leaves in whorls of 3 (rarely 4); Inflorescence 3-9 cm long, many-flowered; Flowers fragrant. Sepals pale green, connate at the base for 0.8-1.5 mm, obovate, 1.3-2 by 0.7-1.2 mm, acute, obtuse or rounded, reflexed or not, rusty pubescent outside and at the lobed parts inside. Stamens inserted at 2-2.8 mm from the base; Fruit a pair of follicles, 20-53 cm by 1.7-2.6(-3) mm, glabrous. Seeds densely pubescent, elliptic to oblong, (4-)6-8.6 by 1.2-1.8(-2) mm, one end acuminate up to 4 mm long, the other end rounded;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present, Singapore present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Bangka Island present
Malesia: Sumatra (including Bangka Island), Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Borneo.


For species circumscriptions see .


The hard wood can be used for construction work but the trees are usually not large enough for heavy construction.


Merr. 1921: Bibliogr. Enum. Born. Pl. p 500
Miq. 1857 – In: Fl. Ned. Ind. p 437
D.J. Middleton 2004 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 15
King & Gamble 1907 – In: J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. p 440
I.M. Turner 1997 – In: Gard. Bull. Singapore 47. p 123
Smythies 1965: Common Sarawak Trees. p 18
Masam. 1942: Enum. Phan. Born. p 618
Markgr. 1974 – In: Blumea. p 26
Corner 1952 – In: Wayside Trees Malaya, ed. 2. p 142
Burkill 1935 – In: Dict. Econ. Prod. Malay Penins. p 112
F.G. Browne 1955: Forest Trees Sarawak & Brunei. p 65
Sidiy. 1998 – In: Blumea. p 101
Monach. 1949 – In: Pacific Sci. p 160
Whitmore et al. 1990: Checklist Kalimantan. p 24
Coode et al. 1996: Checklist Pl. Brunei. p 24
Merr. 1921: Bibliogr. Enum. Born. Pl. p 497
Masam. 1942: Enum. Phan. Born. p 617
J.A.R. Anderson 1980: Checklist Trees Sarawak. p 147
Ridl. 1923 – In: Fl. Malay Penins. p 348
Whitmore 1973 – In: Tree Fl. Malaya. p 9
Corner 1952 – In: Wayside Trees Malaya, ed. 2. p 141
Whitmore & Tantra 1986: Checklist Sumatra. p 18
A.DC. 1993 – In: PROSEA. p 87
I.M. Turner 1993 – In: Gard. Bull. Singapore 45. p 34
A.DC. 2001 – In: PROSEA. p 65
Whitmore & Tantra 1989: Checklist Sulawesi. p 14
Kessler & Sidiy. 1994: Trees Balikpapan-Samarinda. p 51
P.S. Ashton 1988 – In: Man. non-Dipt. Trees Sarawak. p 20