Aistopetalum multiflorum

Primary tabs

Aistopetalum multiflorum


Trees up to 40 m tall, bole 25 m, buttressed. Leaves with petiole 2.5-6 cm and internodes of rachis 1.5-3 cm, terete, channelled above. Stipules triangular-ovate to ovate-oblong, c. 3 by 0.5 mm. Inflorescence of c. 250 flowers or more, up to 12 by 12 cm, subunits inserted in opposite axils of most distal pair of leaves; Flowers with short pedicel from 0.5 mm thick merging into receptacle to 1.5 mm in diameter. Sepals ovate, 1.7-2.8 by 1.5-2.2 mm, acute, shortly strigose beneath, densely short-hirsute above. Stamens with filaments 0.8-1.7 mm long and 0.2-0.3 mm wide at base, anthers ovoid, retuse to faintly apiculate at apex, obtuse to retuse at base, 0.5-0.7 by 0.4-0.5 by 0.3 mm. Ovary 0.6-0.9 by 0.5-0.7 mm, fairly densely short-hirsute; Fruit ovoid, c. 28 by 24 mm, slightly asymmetrical around apex, surface glabrous with some white warty patches, the persistent styles only visible as minute pro-trusions around apex.


Asia-Tropical, East Sepik present, Kiunga, Western present, Mt Hun-stein present, Papua New Guinea present, W of Biniguni, Milne Bay present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea, only known from 3 localities (Mt Hun-stein, East Sepik; Kiunga, Western; W of Biniguni, Milne Bay).


Well developed articulations at nodes throughout the inflorescence give it a highly jointed appearance. The flowers are pale olivaceous outside and the calyx is cream inside, the stamens are cream, the disc yellow-green, and the ovary pale yellow; the fra-grance is honey-like. Young fruits are green.


Engl. 1928: p. 239. – In: Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2. f. 138G-L
Hoogland 1960 – In: Austral. J. Bot. p 334