Harpullia camptoneura
Shrub or treelet, up to 4.5 m high.
Leaves 2-4-jugate;
Inflorescences axillary (to pseudoterminal), solitary, 1.5-15 cm long, sparsely and laxly branched, few- (to l-)flowered;
Sepals elliptic, c. 6 by 4 mm, persistent.
Petals linear-lanceolate, c. 8 by 1.5 mm, white, glabrous.
Stamens 5;
Fruits transverse-ellipsoid, 20-25 by 25-30 mm, to subglobular, c. 2 cm in diam., the lobes erect, strongly bulging;
Seeds black with a pink to bright red arillode.