Nepenthes dubia

Primary tabs

Nepenthes dubia


Epiphytic climber to at least 0.8 m tall. Blackish hairs present at the base of the lid. Leaves coriaceous, sessile, rosette and short stem leaves unknown, leaves of climbing stems narrowly oblanceolate-elliptic, 5.9-8 by 1.1-1.9 cm, apex acute, base clasping the stem for 1/2 its circumference, not decurrent or auriculate. Fruit unknown. Seed unknown.


C Sumatra present
C Sumatra.


2. Nepenthes dubia is possibly a hybrid between N. inermis and N. bongso (). Nepenthes tenuis is included here with some hesitation, the pitcher being somewhat broader in its lower half and the altitude (1000 m) being considerably lower than in the remaining collections, but in other respects it matches N. dubia. 1 Prior to Danser’s work in , Backer had intended to name this species ‘linguifer’, and proposed to include it with specimens of N. inermis. Nepenthes inermis shares a similar shaped pitcher, lid and leaf blade shape. The differences are that N. dubia has fewer longitudinal nerves, a slightly broader and reflexed lid (5 mm vs. 3 mm) with more numerous, but much smaller glands, and bears a peristome, which N. inermis completely lacks. Nepenthes dubia was reduced to N. bongso, along with N. inermis by Tamin & Hotta in Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986).


Jebb & Cheek 1997 – In: Blumea. p 36