Nepenthes pectinata

Primary tabs

Nepenthes pectinata


Terrestrial climber to 4 m tall. Leaves thinly coriaceous, more or less sessile;


C Sumatra present
C Sumatra.




2. Authors prior to Danser usually treated the Sumatran N. pectinata only as a variety of the Javanese N. gymnamphora. Danser described N. pectinata from mixed material based on N. pectinata and N. singalana. were the first authors to recognise this and lectotypified with a specimen of N. pectinata (which they recognised as N. gymnamphora). Tamin & M. Hotta in Diversity & Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) did not recognise the presence of N. pectinata (or N. gymnamphora) in Sumatra, referring the majority of collections to N. singalana, and establishing the invalid name N. rosulata for specimens of N. pectinata from G. Gadut and G. Talang. 1 Nepenthes pectinata is very closely related to the Javanese N. gymnamphora. They differ in that the leaves of N. pectinata are more gradually attenuate to the base, and decurrent down the stem, the margin of the blade is usually densely pubescent below, and the whole plant is generally more tomentose. The peristome teeth of the lower pitchers of N. pectinata are longer than those of N. gymnamphora. Upper pitchers are not often produced, whereas they are regularly found in N. gymnamphora. Nepenthes pectinata can be distinguished from N. bongso and N. singalana by its large upper leaf blades which are decurrent down the stem; from N. bongso it is further distinguished by its long peristome teeth and because its upper pitchers, when produced, are subcylindrical, not infundibulate.


Jebb & Cheek 1997 – In: Blumea. p 71