Chonemorpha verrucosa

Primary tabs

Chonemorpha verrucosa

Chonemorpha verrucosa (Blume) D.J. Middleton in Novon 3: 455. 1993
  • Tabernaemontana verrucosa Blume, Bijdr.: 1029. 1826
  • Triadenia verrucosa (Blume) Miq. in Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 459. 1857
  • Trachelospermum verrucosum (Blume) Boerl. in Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 400. 1899
  • Rhynchodia verrucosa (Blume) Woodson in Sunyatsenia 3: 102. 1936
    • Type: Blume 2159 (L)
  • =Echites rhynchospermus Wall. in Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: t. 49. 1830
  • Rhynchospermum wallichii A.DC. in Prodr. 8: 431. 1844
  • Cercocoma wallichii (A.DC.) Miq. in Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 445. 1857
  • Rhynchodia wallichii (Miq.) Benth. ex Hook.f. in Fl. Brit. India 3: 667. 1882
  • Rhynchodia rhynchosperma (Wall.) K. Schum. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4: 173. 1895
    • Wallich 1665 (K; holotype: K-W; isotype: G-DC)
  • =Echites ellipticus Wall. ex G. Don in Gen. Hist. 4: 75. 1837
  • Echites verticalis Buch.-Ham. ex A.DC. in Prodr. 8: 431. 1844
  • Rhynchospermum ellipticum A.DC. in Prodr. 8: 431. 1844
    • Wallich 1666 (,, NY, P; lectotype: G-DC; isotype: K-W)
  • =Rhynchodia capusii Pierre ex Spire, Contr. Apocyn.: 102. 1905
    • Spire 23 (,,, P; lectotype: P; isotype: E)
  • =Rhynchodia fragrans Pierre ex Spire, Contr. Apocyn.: 108. 1905
    • Vietnam, Hoa Binh, left bank of the Black River, Phuong-lam, Balansa 2097 in Pierre 6548 (,,, P; isotype: )
  • =Rhynchodia pierrei Spire in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 52: 556. 1905
    • , Vietnam, Hoa Binh, left bank of the Black River, Phuong-lam, Balansa 2097 in Pierre 6548 (,,; lectotype: P; isotype: P)
  • =Chonemorpha elastica Merr. in Bot. 4: 81. 1909
    • Philippines, Mindanao, Tigbalubu, Dumanguilas Bay., Hutchinson 12351 (,; lectotype: US)
  • =Rhynchodia pauciflora Pit. in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 2: 1243. 1933
  • Rhynchodia pierrei var. annamensis Pit. in Fl. Indo-Chine 2: 1241. 1933
    • , Vietnam, Massif du Langbian, Dran, Chevalier 40315 (,,; lectotype: P; isotype: P)
  • =Trachelospermum slootenii Tsiang in Sunyatsenia 4: 29. 1939
  • Rhynchodia slootenii (Tsiang) Tsiang ex Bakh.f. in Blumea 6: 389. 1950
    • Holotype: Winckel 526B (BO)