Nepenthes spectabilis

Primary tabs

Nepenthes spectabilis


Terrestrial climber 2-3 m tall. Leaves coriaceous, subpetiolate; Fruits with valves 41-45 by 3.5-4.5 mm. Seeds 18-20 by 0.4-0.6 mm.


Aceh to Lake Toba present, N Sumatra present
N Sumatra: Aceh to Lake Toba




Nepenthes spectabilis is not easily confused with any other Sumatran montane species apart from N. lavicola. In both species the upper pitchers are narrowly infundibuliform to narrowly cylindrical and have a predominantly dark purple-brown colour. Nepenthes spectabilis differs from N. lavicola in its broader peristome with less prominent ribs, much longer spur (10-22 mm long compared to less than 6 mm long) and in its overall denser indumentum of reddish brown hairs, particularly in the axils of the leaves, on the underside of the midrib, and on the pitcher spur and inflorescence, but sparse elsewhere.


Jebb & Cheek 1997 – In: Blumea. p 82
Tamin & M. Hotta 1986 – In: M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra. p 103