Archidendron tjendana
Small to medium-sized tree, 6-22 m high, bole to 15 m high, to 40 cm in diameter.
Branchlets terete, glabrous.
Stipules or stipular scars not seen.
Inflorescences terminal, glabrous, consisting of pedunculate umbels, aggregated into racemes or corymbs;
Flowers tri- merous, possibly bisexual.
Stamens white, to 25 mm, tube longer than the corolla-tube, shorter than the corolla.
Ovary solitary, glabrous, subsessile (stipe c. 0.5 mm), surrounded by a nectary at base.
Seeds black, irreg- ular-elliptic, compressed, somewhat truncate in the parts adjacent to other seeds, 11-17 by 8-12 mm.