Nepenthes tomoriana
Terrestrial climber to 5 m tall.
Leaves chartaceous, weakly petiolate to subsessile, clasping the stem for half its circumference, not sheathing;
Seed fusiform, 14 by 0.4 mm.
1 Nepenthes tomoriana is unlikely to be confused with any other species within its range. It is the only paniculate species (i.e. partial peduncles bearing more than two flowers) known from Sulawesi. It is distinguished from the similar N. danseri of Waigeo Island, by the more numerous and smaller lid glands, and the presence of a bract on the partial peduncles.
2. The lower pitchers, rosette and short stem leaves of this species have only recently been discovered (Kofman 112, 113), and show remarkable similarities with those of N. bellii of Mindanao: the globular shape of the pitcher which dries a characteristic red-brown, the broad wings with fringed elements grouped in clusters, the inner edge of the peristome descending parallel to the pitcher wall and terminating in small, straight teeth, the orbicular to transversely elliptic lid which lacks a midrib, and a lower surface with a ceramic luster and very small, deeply sunken, sparsely scattered nectar glands are held in common by both species. Nepenthes bellii may have derived from the eastern paniculate group of species despite having 1-flowered partial peduncles.