Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora

Primary tabs

Elaeagnus triflora var. triflora


Evergreen woody climber, occasionally shrubby, up to 10 m high, innovations silvery scaly. Leaf elliptic to oblong, 1.5—10(—12) by (0.3-)l-4(-6) cm, base obtuse, sometimes rounded, apex acuminate, sometimes acute; Inflorescences l-3(-8)-flowered fascicles; Flowers trumpet-shaped, 6-9 mm long; Ovary 1-2 by 0.5(-l) mm ø, glabrous. Fruit ellipsoid, up to 4 by 2 cm (in spirit), seed and peanut-like embryo up to 17 by 6 mm;


Asia-Tropical, Australasia: New South Wales (New South Wales absent), Botel Tobago present, N. Queensland present, New Britain present, SE. of Taiwan present, continental Asia
N. Queensland, throughout Malesia, incl. also New Britain. Also in Botel Tobago, SE. of Taiwan Not in New South Wales.
It cannot be ruled out that this species occurs in continental Asia as well under some other name. Although not all names have been checked for that area, so far none were discovered which should have been included here.


The ripe fruit is given to children suffering from amoebic dysentry (SULIT, 1934, cited by Qui-SUMBING, 1951, sub E. philippinensis). CHOPRA (1933, ex QUISUMBING, l.c.) stated that the flowers are astringent and cardiac.


Field note. Shrub or woody climber. Flowers strongly scented.