Myristica cylindrocarpa

Primary tabs

Myristica cylindrocarpa


Tree 6-7 m. Leaves thinly chartaceous, elliptic-oblong, 7-16 by 2.5-6 cm, base short-attenuate, apex faintly acute-acuminate; Fruits 1 or 2 per infructescence, (ovoid- or) ellipsoid-oblong, 2.7-2.8 by 1.2-1.3 cm, apex acute, base rounded, pseudostalk absent, hairs dense, mealy, bright brown, 0.1 mm;


Asia-Tropical, Madang Prov present, Papua New Guinea present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea (Madang Prov.); known only from the type.


1 Sinclair (1. c.) cited three specimens; besides the type also Robbins 1567 (not seen), and Darby shire 929 (Central Prov.), recently described as M. brevistipes. 2 The inflorescences (infructescences) are concaulescent with the main stem for up to 10 mm, i. e. nearly the length of an internode, so that they are inserted nearly opposite the leaf of the following node; to check the consistency of this singular character more material is needed.


W.J. de Wilde 1995 – In: Blumea. p 275
Foreman 1978 – In: Handb. Fl. Papua New Guinea. p 192