Lithocarpus luteus
Tree 18-36 m, 30-100 cm ø;
Branchlets initially densely yellowish brown to fulvous tomentose by adpressed stellate hairs, later glabrous, dark greyish brown, densely warty lenticellate;
Leaves thick-coriaceous, (7-)9-12(-15) by (2½-)3½-5(-6) cm (index 2½-3), broadest at or slightly below the middle;
Stipules linear-acute, 4-6 by 1 mm.
Inflorescence male or androgynous, densely yellowish brown stellate hairy;
Fruit ovoid to subhemispherical, 1-1½ cm long, 2-2½ cm ø, densely fulvous to greyish tomentose, top acute to rounded-umbonate, base truncate, scar flat, c. 2 cm ø;