Harpullia oococca

Primary tabs

Harpullia oococca


Straggling tree, c. 6 m high. Twigs and leaf axes sparsely puberulous, infructescences short-velvety. Leaves 3-(to more?)-jugate; Sepals elliptic, c. 5 by 3 mm, persistent. Fruits with 2 widely spreading ellipsoid lobes of c. 1.5 by 1 cm, central axis 4-7 mm high with a c. 3 mm long stipe and crowned by a c. 5 mm long style; Seeds 1 per locule, orange with a deep carmine arillode.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Nassau Mts present, SE, Central Prov present, near Nabire present
Malesia: New Guinea (SE, Central Prov., once collected; 2 doubtful collections from the West: Nassau Mts and near Nabire).


Leenh. & Vente 1982 – In: Blumea. p 35
Radlk. 1934 – In: Engl, Pflanzenr. 98. p 1449