Archidendron muricarpum

Primary tabs

Archidendron muricarpum


Tree c. 10 m high. Branchlets terete, bristly rusty-hairy. Leaves: Stipules linear-filiform, up to 1 cm, rusty hairy, persistent. Inflorescence only known in the fruiting stage, subterminal, hispid, possibly racemose, ?6 cm long, floral bracts not known. Seeds black, ellipsoid, c. 12 by 8 mm.


Asia-Tropical, Papua New Guinea present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea (Normanby Is.).


Verdcourt (1977: 230) commented on the synonomy of this species.
The species is still poorly known and only placed tentatively in ser. Archidendron (cf. Nielsen, l.c.). Similar tubercular pods found in A. hispidum (ser. Ptenopae) and in the imperfectly known 'sp. V' of Verdcourt (1979: 255) from the Louisiades (Misima), a species with subcordate leaflet-bases.


Nielsen 1984: p. 84. – In: Opera Bot. f. 55, 56
Verdc. 1979: Manual New Guin. Legum. p 246