Trigonotis culminicola

Primary tabs

Trigonotis culminicola


Small, creeping herbs forming dense cushions or mats. Leaves obovate, spathulate or oblong, 5-8 by 0.3-0.4 mm, base gradually tapering into the 1-3 mm long, sheath-like petiole, apex rounded, retuse or mucronulate, without lateral veins, sparsely antrorse strigose above, glabrous below except midrib and margins. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary; pedicels spreading strigose, 2-3.5 mm long in flower, up to 4.5 mm in fruit. Stamens c. 1 mm long, anthers oblong-ovoid, c. 0.7 mm long.


mountains of New Guinea endemic
Malesia: mountains of New Guinea, endemic.


Van Royen 1983 – In: Alpine Fl. New Guinea: 3112