Shrubs or small trees, twigs puberulous.
Leaves glabrous, but midrib hairy above, coriaceous.
Flowers in racemes, 1-3 pedicelled flowers per bract;
Stamens exceeding the perianth.
Ovary ± conical;
Gjellerupia was reduced by HATUSIMA () to Lepionurus sylvestris Bl., but VAN STEENIS (l.c.) pointed out that the observations and conclusions of HATUSIMA are erroneous and that Gjellerupia is a distinct genus. It is closely allied to Urobotrya. The male flowers of Gjellerupia show a striking similarity with those of e.g. Urobotrya siamensis. Furthermore the pollen type (LOBREAU-CALLEN, pers. comm.) and the placentation are the same in both genera.