Clethra sumbawaensis
Treelet, 4-8 m.
Branchlets distally clad with a rusty rather scabrid pubescence.
Leaves elliptic-oblong or elliptic, apex ± shortly and acutely acuminate, base cuneate, thin-coriaceous, younger and submature ones glabrous above, subdensely set with longish simple and fascicled (or stellate) rusty hairs along midrib and nerves, sparsely so on the veins beneath, moreover beneath all over the undersurface with a dense thin layer of minute stellate and pale (or here and there rusty), finally greyish hairs, apparently very tardily glabrescent, serrate in the upper ⅔, (5-)6-9 by 2-4 cm, nerves (15-)17-20 pairs, rather straight and sub-parallel, in part forked distally, reticulately dissolving before the edge, raised beneath, veins transverse, slightly prominent beneath, veinlets obscure;
Petals obovate, thin, white, fragrant, glabrous, minutely fimbriate-crenulate ± all along the margin, 5 by c. 2.5 mm.
Ovary tomentose;