Schizomeria carrii

Primary tabs

Schizomeria carrii


Trees up to 30 m high, buttresses absent. Leaves with petiole 0.3-0.7 cm and blade subcoriaceous to coriaceous, (3-)3.5-6(-9.3) by (1.7-)2-4(-5.3) cm, elliptic, ovate or oblong-elliptic, with the base obtuse or broadly acute and the apex obtuse or rounded; Stipules narrowly triangular to ovate, 5-8 mm long. Inflorescence terminal; Flowers bisexual, 5-8 mm diameter, 5-merous (except for gynoecium); Fruit ± spherical, somewhat irregular, up to c. 1.6 by 1.6 cm but perhaps not yet fully mature;


Asia-Tropical, Owen Stanley Mountains of Papua New Guinea, from Myola and Alola in the central part of the range and Mts Dayman and Suckling in the southeast present
Malesia: Owen Stanley Mountains of Papua New Guinea, from Myola and Alola in the central part of the range and Mts Dayman and Suckling in the southeast.




The branching pattern and rather persistent reddish brown indumentum are distinctive.