Schizomeria carrii
Trees up to 30 m high, buttresses absent.
Leaves with petiole 0.3-0.7 cm and blade subcoriaceous to coriaceous, (3-)3.5-6(-9.3) by (1.7-)2-4(-5.3) cm, elliptic, ovate or oblong-elliptic, with the base obtuse or broadly acute and the apex obtuse or rounded;
Stipules narrowly triangular to ovate, 5-8 mm long.
Inflorescence terminal;
Flowers bisexual, 5-8 mm diameter, 5-merous (except for gynoecium);
Fruit ± spherical, somewhat irregular, up to c. 1.6 by 1.6 cm but perhaps not yet fully mature;
Asia-Tropical, Owen Stanley Mountains of Papua New Guinea, from Myola and Alola in the central part of the range and Mts Dayman and Suckling in the southeast present
Malesia: Owen Stanley Mountains of Papua New Guinea, from Myola and Alola in the central part of the range and Mts Dayman and Suckling in the southeast.