Aristolochia singalangensis
Liana up to 20 m high.
Leaves subcoriaceous, suborbicular, broadly ovate, sometimes ovate, rarely ovate-oblong, (14-) 24-33 by (6-) 11-24 cm;
Inflorescences cauligerous, solitary, racemiform, axis c. 4 cm long, internodes spacious, tomentose or densely pubescent;
Stamens and style column unknown.
Capsules elongate-oblong, 14-15 by 2.5-3 cm, 6-ridged, dehiscing from the apex downward, tomentose or pubescent.
Seeds convex on the lower side and ovoid-like in side view or seen from beneath, not winged, c. 8 by 5 mm, deeply concave on the upper side with a prominent, central, longitudinal, septum-like funiculus, testa smooth on both surfaces.
Asia-Tropical: Sumatera (Sumatera present), Atjeh present, Mt Singalang present, Palembang present, near Pematang Siantar present
Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, near Pematang Siantar, Mt Singalang, Palembang).
A. singalangensis is closely allied to the Himalayan A. griffithii DUCHARTRE and the Chinese A. kwangsiensis LIANG with which it shares all essential structural characters of the leaves, flowers, fruit and seed. It can be distinguished from them by the different size of the flora parts and the deeply 3-lobed perianth, of which the lobes are pale yellowish green on the inner surface (not pinkish purple or purple).
Sterile specimens may resemble Phytocrene species (Icacinaceae), but can readily be distinguished by the absence of an abscission zone in the petiole, hence leaving no scar after withering.
Style column and stamens are as yet unknown.
Sterile specimens may resemble Phytocrene species (Icacinaceae), but can readily be distinguished by the absence of an abscission zone in the petiole, hence leaving no scar after withering.
Style column and stamens are as yet unknown.