Lithocarpus pulcher

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus pulcher


Tree 24-36 m, 40-60 cm ø; Branchlets initially densely rufous pubescent by woolly, simple or stellate hairs, later subglabrous, ridged or terete, sparsely lenticellate; Leaves thick-coriaceous, rigid, (10-)15-20(-22) by (4-)6-8(-12) cm (index 2-3.2), broadest at or rarely above the middle; Stipules narrowly ovate to linear, 10 by 2-5 mm, soon caducous. Inflorescence male or female, densely rufous stellate-hairy;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Kalimantan present, Sabah present, Sarawak present)
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, and Kalimantan, scattered).


BECCARI PB 3269, on which KING based his description of the inflorescence, belongs to L. beccarianus.


A. CAMUS 1954: p. 626. – In: Chênes. t. 370: 1-4
SOEPADMO 1970 – In: Reinwardtia. p 269