Lithocarpus mariae

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus mariae


Tree 15-33 m, 50-60 cm ø, buttresses c. ⅔ m tall; Branchlets initially densely fulvous to rufous tomentose by stellate hairs, soon glabrescent, dark greyish brown, smooth or sparsely lenticellate; Leaves thin-coriaceous, (8-) 10-12 (-13) by 4-5 cm (index 2-3), broadest at or below the middle; Inflorescence male or androgynous, simple, densely fulvous tomentose by adpressed stellate hairs;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sabah present, Sarawak present)
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, rare).


Leaves collected from a basal shoot measure 22 by 10 cm, with 14 pairs of nerves.
Near L. encleisacarpus, but differering in its leaves with more nerves, dense scalariform reticulation, and in its cupule without concentric rings and rounded-acute at both ends.