Cyperus meistostylus

Primary tabs

Cyperus meistostylus


Perennial with very short rhizome. Leaves few, linear, long-attenuate, flat, much longer than the stems, with 3 more prominent nerves, scabrid on margins and nerves in the upper part, 5-8 mm wide; Inflorescence subcompound or compound, rather loose or contracted, up to 5 cm across. Stamens 3;


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Dieni present, Koitaki present, Mamberamo Distr present, Mt Michael present, Papua present
Malesia: New Guinea, scattered (W.: Mamberamo Distr.; NE.: Mt Michael; Papua: Dieni, Koitaki).


Very close to C. cinereobrunneus KÜK. and possibly not specifically distinct. It differs by the smooth stem, the less scabrid leaves, the less distinctly digitate, narrower spikelets, the smaller glumes, and the shorter style.


KERN 1954: p. 36. – In: Reinwardtia. f. 4