Lithocarpus beccarianus
Tree 15-30 m, 20-70 cm ø;
Branchlets initially densely yellowish brown tomentose by adpressed stellate hairs, late glabres-cent, slender, fissured to flaky, sparsely lenticellate;
Leaves more or Jess coriaceous, (7-)10-12(-16) by 3-6 cm (index 2-3.7), broadest at or slightly above the middle;
Stipules linear-acute, 3-4 by ⅓-½ mm, soon caducous.
Inflorescence male or androgynous, densely yellowish brown tomentose by short stellate hairs;
Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Kalimantan present, Sabah present, Sarawak present)
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, Kalimantan, scattered).