Lithocarpus beccarianus

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus beccarianus


Tree 15-30 m, 20-70 cm ø; Branchlets initially densely yellowish brown tomentose by adpressed stellate hairs, late glabres-cent, slender, fissured to flaky, sparsely lenticellate; Leaves more or Jess coriaceous, (7-)10-12(-16) by 3-6 cm (index 2-3.7), broadest at or slightly above the middle; Stipules linear-acute, 3-4 by ⅓-½ mm, soon caducous. Inflorescence male or androgynous, densely yellowish brown tomentose by short stellate hairs;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Kalimantan present, Sabah present, Sarawak present)
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, Kalimantan, scattered).


Authors who recorded this species from Penang and Singapore are supposed to have had specimens of L. burkillii. BANGHAM 1118 from Sumatra, referred by MERRILL to L. beccariana, belongs to L. javensis.


King 1889 – In: Ann. R. Bot. Gard. Calc. p 83
A. CAMUS 1954: p. 575. – In: Chênes. t. 355: 1-7
SOEPADMO 1970 – In: Reinwardtia. p 220
Hook.f. 1888 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 618