Wolffia microscopica

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Wolffia microscopica


Asia-Tropical: India present, East Asia
So far this species is only known from India. It is probable that this minute plant has been often overlooked; therefore, it is expected to occur also elsewhere in East Asia and even in Malesia.


Occurs usually mixed with other floating aquatics, especially with Lemna perpusilla. According to MAHESWARI and KAPIL () it never co-exists with Spirodela polyrhiza.


Records of W. microscopica from Formosa and Japan relate to W. globosa.


MITRA 1958 – In: Fl. Pl. E. India. p 86
Hook.f. 1893 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 558
HEGELM. 1895 – In: Bot. Jahrb. p 301
PRAIN 1903 – In: Bengal Pl. p 841
VOIGT 1851 – In: Not. p 226
HEGELM. 1868: Lemnac: 127-128
DAUBS 1965: Monogr. Lemnac. p 44