Lithocarpus vinkii
Tree 15-30 m, 15-50 cm ø;
Branchlets initially densely set with a fulvous adpressed stellate tomentum, soon glabrescent, greyish brown, finely fissured, with many minute lenticels;
Leaves coriaceous, (7-)8-14(-18) by (3-)4-5(-7) cm (index (1.7-)2-2½(-3½)), broadest at or rarely below the middle;
Stipules ovate, 1-2 by 1 mm.
Inflorescence male or androgynous, mostly simple and axillary, densely fulvous tomentose by short stellate hairs;
Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Japen I present, Misima present, Normanby present, Rossel Is present, Sudest present, Vogelkop Peninsula present
Malesia: New Guinea (common in the Vogelkop Peninsula, scattered in the eastern part), also Japen I., eastward to Normanby, Misima, Sudest and Rossel Is.