Lithocarpus bullatus

Primary tabs

Lithocarpus bullatus


Tree 9-25 m, 15-40 cm ø; Branchlets initially densely yellowish brown to rufous-tomen-tose by adpressed, stellate hairs, later subglabrous, pale yellowish brown to dark greyish brown, fissured, sparsely lenticellate; Leaves thick-coriaceous, rigid, strongly bul-late, (5-)7-9(-11) by (2½-)3-4(-5) cm (index 1.3-2.8), broadest at or slightly below the middle; Stipules lanceolate, 1-1½ by ⅓-½ mm. Inflorescence male, female or mixed, densely yellowish brown stellate hairy;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present (Sarawak present), Mt Kinabalu present
Malesia: Borneo (Sarawak, rare, Mt Kinabalu, common).