Harpullia petiolaris
Tree, up to 6(-20) m high, dbh c. 4 cm.
Twigs, leaf axes, inflorescences, and infructescences (very) densely set with patent, short or long, brown hairs or minutely tomentose, ± early glabrescent.
Leaves 4-6(-7)-jugate;
Inflorescences cauliflorous, in groups of 1-5 rachises, 22-50 cm long, simple or with few widely spaced, erecto-patent, up to 7 cm long branches mainly in the basal half, lax;
Flowers without smell.
Sepals broad-elliptic, 4-6.5 by 3.2-4.5 mm;
Petals oblanceolate, (7—)11—12.5 by 2.5-4 mm, white, glabrous (to ciliate at base).
Stamens 5;
Fruits transversely ellipsoid, 16-20 by 26-28 mm;
Seeds dark brown to black with a yellow to red arillode.