Artocarpus altilis

Primary tabs

Artocarpus altilis


Tree up to 35 m tall. Stipules 10-25 cm long; blade pinnately incised, elliptic, up to 50 x 20 cm. Inflorescences in the leaf axils. Staminate inflorescences cylindrical to clavate, 10-30 cm long. Pistillate inflorescences ellipsoid to globose, in fruit 15-30 cm in diam., covered with conical processesor (in the seedless form) rather smooth.


Guianas cultivated, Malaysia present
Introduced from Malaysia; in the Guianas both the seeded and the seedless forms are cultivated.

Common Name

English: belphoet, breadfruit, breadnut, bredebon, brood- vruchtboom, kaloeweh, kastanjebroodvrucht, katahar, man-van-woord, njamsi-bredebon, sine-bredebon, soekoen