Key for Dendrophthora Eichler

1Leaves < 2.5 x 1 cm; inflorescences < 1 cm long, peduncle simple
1'Leaves > 2 x 1 cm; inflorescences > 2 cm long, peduncle with 1-3 pairs of basal cataphylls
2Flowers 1-seriate
2'Flowers 2- or 3-seriate
3Leaves linear to very narrowly lanceolate, with very acute apex; fruit ovoid, smooth when young
3'Leaves broadly obovate to elliptical, apex rounded; fruit globose, often warty when young or fresh
4Flowers 2-seriate or mostly so
4'Flowers 3-seriate
5Plants yellowish, percurrent, without intercalary cataphylls; inflorescences axillary only; leaves with rather obscure, palmate venation; Brazil nearly exclusively
5'Plants green, mostly dichotomous, the few percurrent shoots with intercalary cataphylls; terminal inflorescences present; venation completely obscure; known from Guyana only
6Flowers yellow, contrasting with inflorescence axis; inflorescence peduncle ca. 1 cm long; percurrent shoots with 1-3 pairs of intercalary cataphylls
6'Flowers of same greenish color as inflorescence axis; inflorescence peduncle < 0.5 cm long; intercalary cataphylls absent