Phthirusa pycnostachya

Primary tabs

Phthirusa pycnostachya


Leafy plants of medium size, basal epicortical roots present; internodes to 3.5 cm long, slightly quadrangular becoming terete, greyish with irregular brown lenticels. Petiole 0.2-0.3 cm thick and long, massive, distinct; blade coriaceous, broadly elliptic to nearly orbicular, to 7 x 6 cm, base obtuse; a number of strong palmate veins nearly reaching the apex. Inflorescences 1-3 per axil, umbellate to racemose, to 2.5 cm (rarely to 8 cm; Cremers et al. 12770, LEA) long; peduncle about 1 cm or nearly absent, terete, without basal crater, beyond which 4-20 pairs of triads crowded so closely together that often no space is left between them on the rather fleshy axis, rarely elongating somewhat; triad peduncle 0.2-0.3 cm long; bracts and bracteoles small, persistent, together forming a 3-alveolate structure bearing 3 sessile, somewhat sunken flowers. Flowers bisexual. Mature flower buds 0.2 cm long. Flowers 6-merous; petals red, strongly dimorphic; upper filament buttresses with deep lateral cavities formed by anthers of lower series, pollen sacs 4, oblong and of equal size, parallel to each other on a broad head with extremely slender attachment to filament (shorter stamen series), or on massive, excavated filament (longer series), connectival horns blunt; style hexagonal, clavately expanded upwards, somewhat constricted in middle, stigma undifferentiated. Fruit ovoid-elliptical, ca. 0.35 x 0.25 cm, blue and yellow, apex truncate.


French Guiana present, Guyana present, Suriname
Guyana and French Guiana, not yet reported from Suriname, but to be expected there; 12 collections studied (GU: 4; FG: 8).


There is a possibility that two different species are involved, the western plants virtually lacking a peduncle.