KEY TO THE SPECIES of Cyathea Subg. Sphaeropteris Sect. Schizocaena Subsect. Schizocaena

1Fronds simply pinnate, pinnae entire or at most serrate-crenate.
1'Fronds simply pinnate with deeply lobed pinnae, or bipinnate.
2Apex of frond a deltoid deeply lobed lamina. Outer veins of each group joining to form a single excurrent vein. Pinnae sessile, base truncate or subcordate
2'Apex of frond a pinna of same shape as other pinnae. No anastomosis. Pinnae usually stalked.
3Pinnae not over 15 mm wide, base narrowly cuneate, stalkes to 12 mm long. Sori in 1-2 rows on each side of costa, fully indusiate
3'Pinnae 2-4 cm wide, base rather broadly cuneate, stalked or not. Sori in fully fertile fronds in more than 2 rows, indusiate or not.
4Pinnae not long-acuminate, upper usually sessile
4'Pinnae long-acuminate, all stalked
5Fronds simply pinnate with deeply lobed pinnae, the largest sometimes with free pinnules at their base.
5'Fronds amply bipinnate.
6Lower surface of pinna-midribs covered near base with long hairs; no free pinnules.
6'Lower surface of pinna-midrib lacking hairs; some free pinnules on largest pinnae.
7Indusium present (sometimes hidden by mature sorus).
7'Indusium lacking.
8Lower pinnae little narrowed at base, free leaflets as long as lobes, apex not long-acuminate; pinnae commonly 25 cm long
8'Lower pinnae narrowed to base so that free leaflets are very small, apex long-acuminate; pinnae to 18 cm long
9Pinnae commonly 25 cm long; no long pale hairs on rachis
9'Pinnae much shorter; main rachis bearing long pale hairs
10Pinnules entire or with crenate edges.
10'Pinnules distinctly lobed.
11Indusia present; pinnules sessile
11'Indusia lacking; pinnules stalked
12Sori indusiate.
12'Sori without indusia.
13Pinnules of larger pinnae not lobed more than ¾ to costa throughout, no free basal segments, or sometimes one on lowest pinnule of lower pinnae.
13'Pinnules of larger pinnae always with one or more free basal segments.
14Bullate scales lacking on costules
14'Bullate scales present on costules.
15Basal pinnules of middle pinnae with stalks to at least 4 mm long; pinnules lobed less than ½ way to costa
15'Basal pinnules sessile or nearly so; pinnules lobed more than half way to costa.
16Segments of pinnules acute, falcate; largest pinnules 20-30 mm wide.
16'Segments of pinnules rounded; largest pinnules not over 20 mm wide.
17Indusium a disc hidden by sorus
17'Indusium complete, breaking and persistent at maturity.
18Lower surface of costae densely scaly
18'Lower surface of costae not densely scaly
19Copious long hairs on lower surface of veins as well as costules.
19'No hairs on lower surface of veins.
20About half the tertiary segments free or separately adnate to costa on largest pinnules. Pinnules to 100 by 20 mm. Costae not densely scaly
20'One or two pairs tertiary segments free on largest pinnules. Pinnules to 80 by 12 mm. Costae densely scaly.
21Costal scales not setiferous. Pinnules sessile
21'Costal scales strongly setiferous. Lower pinnules with stalks 2-3 mm long.
22Free basal segments of largest pinnules deeply lobed. Rachis and pinna-rachis densely persistently scaly, scales small, sub-bullate, setiferous
22'Free basal segments entire. Rachises glabrescent.
23Pinnules sessile, to c. 65 by 15 mm, often smaller
23'Pinnules stalked (stalks to 8 mm), to 100 by 25 mm
24Long-spreading hairs abundant on lower surface of rachis and/or pinna-rachis, often also on costae.
24'Long spreading hairs lacking on lower surface of rachis and pinna-rachis.
25Costules and veins bearing hairs like those of costae on lower surface.
25'Costules and veins lacking hairs on lower surface.
26Pinnules to 110 mm long, cut to costa; costules 5 mm apart.
26'Pinnules to 65 mm long, cut to within 1 mm of costa; costules 3-3l/2 mm apart.
27Hairs of lower surface confined, or almost confined, to main rachis.
27'Hairs of lower surface present on pinna-rachis and costae, few or none on main rachis.
28Largest pinnules with a free segment at the base; pinnules on stalks to 4 mm or more long; texture firm
28'Largest pinnules lacking a free segment at the base, almost sessile.
29Sori on 3-4 pairs of basal veins in each group only, not on distal veins, at maturity confluent.
29'Sori on almost all veins, not confluent at maturity.
30Bullate scales lacking on costae and costules. Pinnules cut to less than 1 mm from costa; stout erect hairs abundant on upper surface of costules and veins.
30'Bullate scales present on costae and costules. Pinnules less deeply lobed; hairs on upper surface of costules few