KEY TO THE SPECIES Based on flowering material

1Anthers not versatile, not sagittate (thecae connate at the base). Leaves reticulately veined. Ser. Adnatae.
1'Anthers versatile, sagittate (thecae separate at the base). Veins reticulate-scalariform (also reticulate in B. arborescens). Ser. Sagittatae.
2Leaves 8-25 by 3-8 cm; apex acuminate, rarely short-acuminate. Pedicels articulated
2'Leaves 3½-1½ by 2¼-4¾ cm; apex obtuse, sometimes emarginate. Pedicels not articulated
3Filaments bicoloured, contracted and whitish at the apical part (c. 1/5 of the length).
3'Filaments concolorous, gradually narrowed towards the apex and not whitish at the apical part.
4Flowers ¾-4 mm pedicelled.
4'Flowers sessile, articulated at the base. Leaf apex usually obtuse or rounded, rarely apiculate, acute, acuminate or emarginate, (12-)26-80 by (4½-)6½-l6 cm; veins reticulate-scalariform.
5Leaf apex short-acuminate or acuminate; blade 9-40 by 3-12½ cm, veins reticulate-scalariform. Pedicels articulated, ¾-2 mm
5'Leaf apex usually obtuse or rounded, rarely apiculate, acute, acuminate, or emarginate; blade 472-26(-35) by 1¾-7(-9) cm; veins reticulate or reticulate-scalariform. Pedicels usually not articulated, (l-)2-4 mm
6Petiole usually 0 or very short (c. ½ cm)
6'Petiole distinct, (1½-)3-6 cm
7Filaments smooth. Leaves oblanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate, (16-)30-80 by (5-)6½-16 cm; petiole distinct, 2-3(-6) cm
7'Filaménts papillose. Leaves smaller, obovate-oblong, oblanceolate or spathulate, 7½-31 by 4-10½ cm; petiole usually 0, sometimes up to 1½(-3) cm