1Leaflets with hairy domatia. Disk hairy. Drupe globose or depressed-globose, distinctly 5-celled.
1'Leaflets without domatia. Disk glabrous. Drupe ovoid or broadly ellipsoid, seemingly 1-celled (due to abortion)
2Petals 7-10 mm long. Ovary oblong-ellipsoid or slightly obovoid, c. ⅔ (sometimes in young flowers c. ½) the length of pistil. Drupe globose, 1¾-2½(-3½) cm ø; endocarp l-l¾ cm ø, often smooth
2'Petals 4½-5 mm long. Ovary depressed-globose, c. ⅓ the length of pistil. Drupe depressed-globose, 3-5½ cm ø; endocarp 3-5 cm ø, with numerous, irregular processes • • • •